the future...

There is more about God that we don't understand than we do understand...

The future always seems so elusive, so foreign. Not only do you have no idea what is going to happen minute to minute but most attempts at trying to predict the future, see us come up short. We all have plans and dreams - if nothing comes between us and those plans, we head off with a bit of confidence that we are in some kind of self fulfilled future.

Try as I may, this concept of a future laptop isn't how I envisioned it. While very cool, most of my ideas of the future revolve around what I learned on from George, Jane, Judy, Elroy and Astro Jetson. It worked for me many years ago and still seems viable now. I hope to see a Jetsons proto type car before I die. There is a lot of air space that we are not using. Maybe those 65 and older could use the ground and the rest, could take to the air. The thing is we really have no idea what life will look like in 5 or 20 years from now. All we really do is speculate.

For those who believe that Jesus is who He says He is, the future is something that is not much of a mystery. It has pretty much been laid out. Not all the details but the basic premise. We all know that however we got here and whatever lives we have lived, it ends the same for everyone of us. Everyone of us. It is the one thing we all share, no one is exempt. No one will walk away, we will all die. Don't know about you but that is a sobering thought. I know it, I can compehend it but when I stop and really think about it, there is a overwhelming sense of uneasiness that I imagine, will always be.

What does the future look like? Where will technology takes us? The future, what does it hold? While I am not sure about much, I am putting all my eggs in one basket. Right or wrong, I have made my choice and plan to stand by it...