You know all the questions you have to answer at the doctor's office about your medical history? Not only all your ailments and surgeries but those of your bio family. Heart attack, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure. Maybe you know and maybe you don't.
While those are a big deal, to me the bigger deal are the traits that may affect you on a more regular basis. You will never convince me that things like needing lots of sleep, having a poor memory and even the pathway to thoughts aren't as genetically connected as physical ailments. How much is environmental or learned behavior, one might ask. I will boldly confess, I think there is much more going on than how you lived as a kid.
Being tenacious, or ornery or kind or loving. This traits come the day you are born and although they appear to disappear during the teenage years, the basic trait of a person is always there and can be traced back to one or more generations.
I see many of these traits in my girl and my grand babies. Many of them, I sit in amazement when they describe the same things I feel.know.say. Things they thought were unique to them. Things we have never talked about. Things you will never find on a questionnaire in a doctor's office. It is part of the Mystery of the genetic code we share with each other. How cool is that?