it's the time of the season...
You can feel it, even smell it. It comes at the same time every year and whether you are a participant or parental unit or casual observer of life, signs of it are everywhere, Coming up here pretty quick for a small percent of our population yet everyone or nearly everyone, will experience it in a lifetime. There might have been a little ceremony at the end of kindergarten or a slight acknowledgement between jr high and high school but nothing like this. Pictures, announcements, parties and more parties.
The last year has been spent figuring out where to go from here and the paths to that Journey are as diverse as we are from each other. The class of 2010 will stand alone in its ability to see the future and what it holds. The newest generation to put glee club and grade 12 behind them also takes the ipad and whatever else is coming to change the world as we know it and make it happen. The possibilities are endless as are their choices. The world is changing at an incredible speed and we are not only along for the ride but are reinventing what that ride will be like.
One of my favorite commencement speakers, Anna Quindlen says in A Short Guide to a Happy Life, Life is made of moments, small pieces of glittering mica in a long stretch of gray cement. It would be wonderful if they came to us unsummoned, but particularly in lives as busy as the ones most of us lead now, that won't happen. We have to teach ourselves how to live, really love the journey, not the destination...
As the class of 2010 takes it final victory lap in the next 30 plus days, may the wonder they knew as a child, take them on the next part of the Journey. May you guys realize and more importantly, live like anything is possible but more so than any other class, that is the truth. As real as real can be...