he owes me $225.00...

I saw him at No Greater Love and my immediate response is the same it has been for over 15 years - he owes me $225.00. Not his name or his family, just about how he did me wrong.

He has had many jobs and fixing TV's was one of them. It was the Days when we thought hiring somebody from the church was a good thing to do. He came, said it was fixed, got our money and left. That night, the TV was still broke and we were out a gob of money. We called him, he assured us he would come back...never saw him again except around town. We have seen him around town, even talked to him but he never showed up to try the repair again or refunded our money.

After 2 1/2 hours of NGL and the Easter sermon about forgiveness, it is time to not just let it go but forgive him. It is time to change my view, change my thought process and let this man go. Let the whole thing go - think of all the time I have wasted being mad and reliving it everytime I see him. Maybe the difference is I am ready now. I don't want to continue this, I want to forgive and forget. What I really want is the next time I see him, I want there to be no pain, hurt or anger. It is a step I want to take. Baby steps, first him and then on to others. Funny, the big hurts in my life, I have forgiven - it's the little ones I struggle with. I need to start here, with him and now...