making your world bigger...
What does that look like for you? For me with my happy little world, it usually takes a lot for me to even notice when it is happening. There is a difference between seeing the Big Picture and making your world bigger. To me, it is like night and day.
I learn visually but I comprehend from the written word. I pay attention best when I listen to a speaker whether live or on the internet. Have been spending some time with Donald Miller, Blue Like Jazz, listening to podcasts and got to say, they are making my world bigger. This is where I lack. This is where I need the most help. This is where if I keep looking, I imagine my life would change.
I woke up this morning as a dream from my small world was ending. Woulda, coulda, shoulda. The things we all mourn from Days Gone By. It is mornings like these that my world gets smaller. If only, wish things were different...the places we all get stuck every once in a while. Funny that today is should also be about making my world bigger. No accident I imagine. How better to learn than when it is fresh in your mind. The delightful thing is the one I woke up with is fading as the ideas are running around in my mind.
As I watched Keaton, Gage and their friends, I thought, these guys are the future and it is looking pretty good to me. I love boys so. Not much going on behind the scenes. They laugh, have fun and I have got to say that driving home with four boys singing Bachman Turner Overdrive's, Taking Care Of Business with the radio cranked, is quite the time. We were all jamming and they let me into their little boy world for just a Moment. Quite a Moment because my world got a little bigger. A few more like these, and I will be on the right track...