There are days when all is right with the world. We feel good about where we are. We feel good about life. Our bellies are full, we are not too cold or too warm. The world is just coming up roses, from every angle.
Then there are the days that our very existence feels so fragile that it could crumble, at any Moment. When putting one foot in front of the other, seems like trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.
We all go back and forth, alternating with a few non-plussed days inbetween. There is never a constant in our lives, constant would be like standing still and life just doesn't work that way. Some things, we see coming. Others, blindside us. It is just not doable to live in either camp.
What we do have control over is our faith, whatever that looks like in your life. The belief that whaever happens, we will survive. To understand and accept that we can't have all the answers now. To know that the tears won't flow forever, knowing that at some point, they will subside. That we can live with a broken heart, even when it feels like we can not.
The constant isn't the life, it is the faith. That is where we need to focus, to rely on, and learn how precious it really is...