red flag...
We all have red flag Moments in our lives. Sometimes, they come in an instant. It feels wrong, the hair on the back of your neck may stand up. You get an uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach. None of it is voluntary, it is all foreign. You think you hear, Danger, Danger, when everything appears to be fine.
Sometimes, it takes a series of red flags to get your attention. Thinking of something going on in my life where I just thought, this is just a fluke. The first time, the second time, the third time but when it keeps happening, you begin to wonder.
We each have red flags going on in every area of our lives. They are a warning, they should be looked at with the head, not the heart. If they require action, you can't involve your heart. It is not good for anyone.
Went to Best Buy this afternoon to have another look at the heat issue with the iPad. I didn't think that they were magically healed but by directed by my heart, need to take another look. There were four on display, one iPad 2 and 3 new ipads. The ipad 2 was perfect. The three new ipads, not so much. All were warm, one was downright hot. There was a woman shopping with her teen girls, trying to decide whether to buy today. She listened intently to the discussion between the BB salesboy and me. He tried desperately to downplay the heat issue, I was unrelenting. If she was going to spend that much money, she needed as much information as she could get. She asked if there was a recall if BB would stand behind the iPad. He told her she would have to deal with Apple. I didn't bring up the fact that BB is in serious trouble. Closing 50 stores and heading down the Circuit City, Comp USA route. I thought I was being generous not bringing that up, DH thought I was going to be asked to leave.
Don't know if she bought one or not. My heart was still saying, Go ahead, it will be fine. My head said, Now you know, wait. The red flags can be ignored. I have done it many times in many different ways but I must bypass them, knowingly. No way around it, if you go around a red flag, you know what you are doing. I know I have done the right thing but sure wished it felt like it...