living the gray...

The truth is, most of life is lived in the gray. While we each have our black and white issues and they range in degree,and swing wildly from person to pserson. Shaped by family history and personal experience, we all still have huge blocks of life that have no absolute answers. We have to continue to shift, squirm and fake it until we make it.

With no manual to help led the way, we take the information we do have,and mix it with a healthy dose of what we think. The power to be fluid is an absolute essential. There is a Time to be precise, a time to be black and white. That may look different to each of us and even shift within our own lives but that is only about 25% of our lives. The rest is in that gray area, where we do the best we can because we are not afraid to think outside the box, to be out of our own, comfort zones. It is scary and crazy and at any given time, you can't be positive if you are right or wrong but that is part of the journey. Living the gray in the Real World, takes courage and commitment. I have seen many of you do it and I take heart, that I am able to follow suit...