Stubborn - refusing to move or change one's opinion.
To be of stubborn stock, makes one destined to live a life that is way harder than it need be. To be immovable, to hunker down and refuse, to be like a donkey, is nothing to be proud of. Making a more difficult life by being unflexible sounds like something that no one would embrace yet... you would be wrong. Being of semi-sound mind and body, I will readily admitted that I am a member of this club. I may even be the treasurer or secretary. Ok, maybe vice-president but never, ever...ok, I could be president. I come from a long line of difficult people and am sure, have passed the torch to a few more.
Stubborn...I would never wish it on my worst enemy.
I learned first hand last week how, once again, being stubborn not only didn't pay off but cost me about 6 weeks of time. Once I gave in, the answer was very simple, the results were lighting fast and once again, I stand, shaking my head, wondering what I was thinking. That might just be the point, I wasn't. Would like to think I will remember this lesson, Down The Road but am smart enough to know, I will have to learn it again and again but that is the value of being stubborn. We never take the Road Most Traveled....No, we have to take our own road and because of that - it will always be a bit, rocky...