I have not always been a big believer in miracles. If anything, life experiences had proved, to the contrary. There have been Moments of clarity where where a miracle could not be denied. Getting married, having my baby, then grand babies but the idea of a these being a miracle always came in hindsight during one of Those Moments.
It has probably been the last 10 years that miracles have become the norm in my life. Now, I see miracles as they happen, I recognize them. They are not always the Big Moments, where lives are saved or changed. They come slowly and quietly. Even bigger than the miracles themselves is the idea that not only are they possible, but part of the Big Plan. They come unexpectedly and you have to be ready for them. They may come in a face, a conversation or even an app.
The game of Yahtzee is my current teacher. I have done it many times. Last play, last roll - I am losing and here it comes. A perfect roll where everything is comes together. Yesterday was one of those days. There is was, when I needed it most. I smiled big, not because I had won but because it just showed me again, anything is possible. Maybe it will, maybe it won't but it is possible. I was reminded of that again a few plays later, when the same thing happened to my opponent, Flavius. I would rather lose to the wonderfully, beautiful Mai or the marvelously wise, Sensei. Flavius is always telling me to, Relax. When it happens to Mai or Sensei, I am so happy for them, Flavius, not so much. When that changes, we will have a real miracle on our hands...