The Disney World slogan, Imagine never having to imagine, has been running with me today. As I went about setting up to pay off the mortgage tomorrow, I was also keenly aware of the dicotomy of thoughts and emotions as I had to deal with some of sick poppa's final issues today. We got some answers today and what they are telling me is that any funds left over, have to be turned over to the State. They call it State Recovery - it is the Medicaid world.
I go back and forth between seeing the overwhelming gift we were given and the having to account for every penny we spend. From, here - its yours, free and clear to needing full disclosure for every check written. We often find ourselves at odds not only with life but ourselves and each other. Today it seems like such a waste of time and energy. I couldn't have imagined my life being turned up side down the way it has the last few weeks - now, I can't imagine ever being the same.
If I have learned anything the last few weeks, it revolves around living in the Moment even bigger than before. Take nothing for granted, live like you have much to learn and be aware that anything is possible. See the world in a new light, let yourself fall thru a few cracks and practice living the Glorious Impossible because it just may be...
Imagine never having to imagine - those are life words to me even more now.