dear Body,

I couldn't help but think about you last night as I was taking a bath and accepting what I was seeing. If you are a bath-taker, you know what I mean. If you don't, that Moment when you see all you really are - is the reason you are a shower person.

...but in the middle of all this, it occurred to me that I have never said Thank You to this body of mine for it has done for me despite my lack of care for its needs. It just seemed like a good time to express my sincere gratitude for all it has done and will continue to do.

I was reminded of the number of phank you's I hear from my grandbabies for everything from a coke to a Ghostbusters t-shirt to a sleepover. Sometimes those phank you's are accompanied with a hug and a kiss. They are honestly thankful for all that is done for them - it is written all over their little faces. It is that kind of thankfulness I had in mind when I was thanking my body.

When I think what I have put it through and ask it to put up with daily, I am somewhat ashamed. Like expecting your car to run for a million miles with doing nothing more than putting the key in the ignition, over and over - many times every day. It was just one of those Moments that come from nowhere and you just need to pay attention to while it is happening. I didn't make any deathbed promises to change my evil ways but I did think I need to say phank you, more often - for all you do, for all you put up with and for giving me the best that you've got. From the bottom of my heart, and with a hug and a kiss, phank you...