on the right track...

I preface this post by saying that life is good for me right now. Very good. While I believe that you learn more in hard times, the good times give you time and space to think about When happens. I rehearse different events that have not happened yet in my life every week. There is a part of me that says I will not be completely caught off guard and it just isn't in my nature, not to think about them.

One of the things I think about is will my beliefs about God hold up? when the time comes. I want to tell you with absolute certainty that they will. I do believe that I am prepared as well as I can be for today. If I am able to get to the Big Picture and focus there, I will be ok. I can't do anything about tomorrow and its issues. Tomorrow comes more insight and isn't here yet so no use in speculating about it. Tomorrow comes with its own circumstances and journey.

Of all the scenarios I have imagined, I come out at the end of while the present is at times, somewhat rough. It is not all pretty, smooth or am I proud of my actions. Except for the one where a man tries to steal my babies at a store and I jump them and hold them down until the police arrive. There is some bad stuff that goes on before their help arrives but it is my Story and that is just the way it is. All I can say is after telling my husband the Story, he felt bad for the person in my custody and hope he lives.

The truth is on any given day, I may or may not be on the right track. I will never really know until I get to the end of my destination. It doesn't matter if you are on the right track, that is never the focus but what the journey is like as you go down the track. Again, I am coming from a Happy Place but I've got to hope that I have learned something, along the way...