Layla Grace...

Ryan Seacrest interviewed LG's mom this morning on his radio show. Her mom explained a bit about her disease and Layla's progression toward heaven. She said she was told Layla wouldn't be alive last week, and the week before that. While she is still alive,(as of this posting) it is not a quality of life that any of us would want for our children. She sleeps when her pain is under control which has been an issue because she is allergic to morphine. She has not eaten in 14 days which is the natural progression of death. Because of her not eating, acid is building up and causing her a whole different kind of pain. No tsure if her sisters are still at their grandma's house or home. Her parents are at her side constantly and many nights, just hold her.

Momma was brave when talking to Ryan Seacrest and said on Twitter, she almost lost it. He asked her how she keeps it together and she says, I don't. She said you don't feel the crying when blogging but her keyboard is wet with her tears. I can't imagine losing my baby in such a slow, painful manner.

Those of us who have been following this Story, have one foot with her at all times. She and her family are never far from our thoughts. That is what social networking has done. With Audrey Grace, then Stellan and many more, my heart has been touched like never before. I hope that part, never changes.

But, life is balance so here are a few Happies that made me chuckle...