the road from panic to peace...or at least, semi peace

Long before these guys came along, the idea of prayer had eluded me. I can't imagine now, how I would ever have managed not being in a total panic for their safety, well being and general happiness. When I stopped listening to the prayer rules and started just listening, prayer started to make a lot of sense.

From my perceptive, prayer is as much about giving as receiving. It is not so much about results but the journey. The actual prayer part brings as much joy as the answer part. I know it sounds strange but I can't tell you how many times a prayer has brought a physical smile to my face. Over and over and over again.

My favorite prayers to pray are those of the Bigger Picture. Those that are life-changing, miracle material. The smiles speak for themselves. I can honestly say it has been a absolute delight praying for 2 for almost 15 years. Would I like to see results, of course, I would be lying if I said no but there is a part of me, that is very, very comfortable with things just the way they are. Why, because I no longer have to see/know/experience results because of prayer, The prayer is the gift in and of itself. I have another Bigger Picture prayer for one that has not been for such a extended period of time but it came with its own words. I was not left on my own to figure out how and what to pray - it was crystal clear. It is an aggressive prayer, filled with power and the smile on this one comes huge, every time. It is a fun prayer because of its strength because I completely let go and ask God to make make it crystal clear to this one. Leave no answer unanswered.

The last month, a new prayer has been added to all the Bigger Pictures prayers. This time, it is personal.... Do for Them what you did for me . If I thought the smile was big before... now it is indeed, personal. I always think about one particular time when God made himself real to me and that same experience is what I pray during these times. I got to tell you, I have gotten so much out of these times that it has taken me from panic to peace... or semi peace, this side of heaven.

These prayers have become a part of me. I do them automatically and am always open to more. I never really understood about joy in the journey but I do now. It is Something I never, ever saw coming. It is like we are friends. No games, and we both know the Truth is way bigger than what we could ever ask or imagine. How cool is that? It is awesome...