Saint Paddy's day at preschool today. The leprechauns broke in, scattered the table and chairs and left a bucket of chocolate coins all over on the floor. Not sure of the origin of this invasion, seems to be somewhat of a santa clone Story but everyone seemed good with it and getting to eat the coins, didn't hurt either,
I was Miss Brandi's assistant. Not DD, she was Miss Shelli today so both classes had a Miss Brandi. Not a lot of confusion, the kids seem to know who belongs to who. After a morning of green cut and paste and coloring, we moved on to a semi-feast of green and white cupcakes. Again, unsure of the reason for the celebration, most seemed very happy, to celebrate the liberal use of green.
In his breakthrough book Buyology, Martin Lindstrom talks about how marketers package their products within rituals, even going so far as to create rituals within which their products can be used. He notes there is no cultural tradition that would have us put a lime in a bottle of Corona, for instance, and how that ritual came about when a marketer placed a bet with a friend at a bar that he could make the masses put a lime in a bottle of beer.
Enjoying a three part series over at Don Miller's blog on rituals and consumerism. I know exactly what he means. Everywhere I have turned today, there has been St Paddy Day sales. I don't know what St Paddy's day is about. Not sure that I understand/or need a sale to celebrate. I did however, notice the shelves of green paper plates and the huge display of corned beef at the store. I am not blaming anyone, seems we are hard wired for this.
Rituals exist because of a need in the human spirit for magical beliefs that their repeated actions are tied to good luck, fortune and security
So, for those of us who don't have a drop of Irish blood, it's ok. The leprechauns, corned beef and a little green - never hurt anybody. Just know that perhaps someone, somewhere is with a friend in a bar and making a bet that he can get you to buy his green mashed pototoes to go with that Irish whisky steak he want to peddle at Applebee's next year...