Early in the weekend someone said something about serendipity. Little did I know it would be the theme of the weekend.
What I thought would be a Meet Me In St Louis weekend turned out to be much different. To be blindsided by the great affection of human beings would be more like it. It could be likened to thinking you expected no more than a small piece of bread at your meal and being served a 27 course meal.
I will never forget the Love that was shared. The conversations deep into the night. The hugs of a wonderful two year old. They will be in my heart forever because they allowed a piece of them to be left behind and I scooped them up.
Ladies, I can never thank you enough. We were in the midst of Something much bigger than ourselves. Something we couldn't have seen, or known. It had to be experienced and it was in ways we will never understand but the one thing I do know is that I need to take what I am feeling now and and make it grow. If it can happen in one weekend in St Louis, imagine what it could look like in my everyday life? I think I am ready to find out. I love you guys, thank you for showing me the Way...