Holy Week...

My first Lent has been a wonderful experience. It has helped me focus on the whole reason for Easter. The reason we do the Easter baskets, and the dinner after church. It has given me 40 days of reflection with a humbleness, I could not have found any other way.

Within this experience, there was a Peter chapter. It is one, I didn't see coming. A denial that happened not once, twice but three times. After the first time, I walked away, amazed that it happened. The second time, I was well aware of where this could be going. Confident that I was on top of things, and would break the cycle - it happened a third time. Each time, I could not believe I had forgotten so completely.

I say that to say, I could find many reasons not to forgive myself but am choosing to find that it is a part of the Whole. I will never forget my first Lent and I wouldn't change one thing. I have learned lessons of gratitude of all things given, a love I will never fully understand and the forgiveness of one self's humanness.

This week brings a few activities, Easter and non-Easter related activities. I agree with Rob Bell, that all things are spiritual. Life is messy, and to see it as a Whole, makes sense in a world that doesn't.

Will finish the week with my head held high, and my heart in a good place. Fully expecting there is More to see, More to learn and More to this life...