the Mystery...

You may have heard talk about The Cloud. If you have an iPad, you know that it won't work for long without a computer. You can buy tunes and apps directly to your iPad but you can't update your software and that is a big deal. As of today, the iPad is not a stand alone tablet - that is about to change.

The buzz is that All Things Itunes is going to the cloud, soon. That means you will not be teathered to a computer. Imagine that also means, your library are backed up, and no matter what computer issues you have, you won't lose your precious music and apps.

If you have ever been in an airplane, you know what it looks like when you get up in the clouds. When I first started hearing about all of this, I imagine being in that airplace and seeing my stuff off to the right on CloudNanaZ. No two clouds look alike and they are so diverse in color and texture. I spend lots of time looking at them and imagining what is up there. We always hear about clouds and Jesus and not sure how that all comes together. Living the Mystery is becoming more and more appealing, the less I demand to know now - the more I can focus on gratitude and joy and living in the Moment. It is a daily struggle, one I fully acknowledge and daily, fight to overcome.

I got a bit of the Word this morning, my path has been redirected, yet again. He has whispered in my ear when I least expected it. It was short and powerful. No more need to revisit it, for the rest of my days here.

May each of you enjoy this Easter season completely and fully. Nudge what is already in you. Know that you are loved, no matter what. Enjoy the cloud, love the mystery and love with all you have...