
Do you know how to have fun? Real fun, I only ask because it is Something that DH told me he needed me to teach him in retirement.

How does one lose the ability to know how to have fun? I always equated fun with riding a bike, you learn it once and even if it is a long time in between,once you start up again, it all comes back to you. I think it will for my man too.

But, let's say that my theory is incorrect, and you must relearn through your life, how to have fun - how do I teach him how to have fun? Where does one start with that kind of instruction? It comes pretty easy for me, there days. I have three little people that I have unconsciously studied for the last 12 years. Each have taught me the value of a laugh, at the littlest thing. We had several round of laughter today during our soccer time. Good belly laughs. All over the small things, nothing in particular but everything in general.

Hey, that is what I should do... Give him the best education, ice cream can buy. Those three would gladly help their Poppa and do a much better job than I ever could. Problem solved, looking forward to the Education of the Grandfather...