sugar coating...

SOOC, straight out of the camera.

That pretty much explains my spring break. With computer out of commission, this photo, like all the others I took this week, is untouched. On the day I took this, it was cold. Big time cold, but like all the others at the park that day, WE NEEDED TO GET OUT AND RUN!

Noticed right off the color of the sky. It was surreal, deep blue and puffy. It did start to rain on us but we sloughed it off and it quit. Sometimes that happens, you have to know when to hold em and when to fold em.

Whether photos, emotions or the words we use - Sometimes it is just out there. A raw, version of where we are and what we see. No sugar coating, but just the naked, bare thing. Like a woman without her makeup, it feels strange and uncomfortable but sometimes, is the best thing for us. It felt strange not to run my photo through Lightroom and yet, to see the unedited version made me happy.

We all need some sugar coating in our lives. While nudists colonies may be popular, we human by nature, are a bit modest. We aren't honest 100% of the time with each other and more importantly, ourselves. A little makeup/sugar coating/LR preset never hurt anyone but every once in a while, it is good to see the Real Deal...