Life really is like a buffet. Every morning, we are staring at multiple choices that are not only pulling us in different directions but constantly trying to lure us, to take another plate even when we have had enough.
There are many, many good choices we could make. Many great things and some not so great things screaming, to get our time. Depending on your absolutes - work, school, we each have to decide what to put on our plate. It was are reported last week that the average worker spends $1000 a year on coffee. Starbucks has found a way to not only to get us to spend our money but, to consistantly do so, every day.
My days now, certainly don't resemble the days spent as a young mother, wife and employee. The one that yelled the loudest, won. Sick kid trumps work, project trumps going home early. These days, the load is lighter and my priorities have changed. When we took Keaton to a Sunday buffet, a few weeks ago, I thought he might go crazy. He has his nana's sweet tooth which when presented with an unlimited menu, takes away any good sense we possess, at any given time but a funny thing happened. He didn't go crazy. He was full after just going back, a second time and his choices were balanced with no words from me.
Sometimes, having too many choices is overwhelming and we wish there were less. That is never going to happen, our days fill every day with more and more. The trick is for us, to do our part, and see through the bowls and plates and dessert, taco, pototo, salad bars of life and just take enough to fill us up. Not going crazy, is always a good thing...