
Does anyone know of any organizations that help with more than just toys for Christmas time?

There is a local Buy and Sell group that someone introduced me too a while back and I am quite taken with it.

Kids clothes, shoes, household items, dogs and cats. Nothing seems to be off limits and prices range from very good to youcouldgetitbrandnewatWalmartfor lessthan that. Have seen partial bottles of perfume,skin cleaner and more. When the buyer and seller settle on a price, they decide on a location, usually in a parking lot to make the exchange. It seems odd to me that someone would drive across town for an item that costs $3.

Today, I found a post with the questions about help for Christmas. There were 61 responses. This person lives in a shelter. Someone else with a small child who also lives in a shelter, commented also. They did both say they wished someone would adopt their children for Christmas. There were few offers of instant help but many resources were offered, even someone who would walk them through the process - signing up with Salvation Army, Boise Resque Mission, etc.

In many of these posts, the phrase, Must go today, is used over and over. Apparently an issue of space restriction. Not sure how a chair or exercise bike would be a matter of urgency to move and if it was, one could take it to SA or Youth Ranch for immediate disposable, if space is at a premium. I have always been successful with putting something by the curb and putting a free sign on it. Always gone, usually within a few hours.

This must be the new way to market one's wares and maybe more. I hope these two ladies take advantage of the help offered. If they were looking for more and fade away, they weren't in it for the right reason. There are so real needs out there and it has always been in my heart that people are hungry all year long, yet the Salvation Army pails are put away the day after Christmas. Just leave the pots, you don't need ringers. We humans are smart enough to find them and put in money by ourselves in June, July or August. When we have stopped on the store on our way to a BBQ or birthay party, we understand that we were able to buy what we needed yet someone else, could not. Time to Go Big or go home...