All things live, all things die and God is in control.Donald Miller.
Seems a bit cold. While this is not news to us, it is not a Place we want to think about or can stand to live. I can't tell you how many conversations I have had about what it would it take for me to give up my faith and walk away. Would I have the strength, the will, the faith - to keep walking. To keep trusting, to keep loving, to keep believing.
How about the death of my child or my grand babies, would I be able to see a Bigger Picture that God would send or would I say, on the inside, Screw you and walk away?
The truth mayb lie in the Moment. Trying to hedge your bets for future acts, can not be done. We have what we need in the Moment and don't get more until we need it. And then, it is up to us to accept it. Lord, help us all...