
We all have them, good and bad.

I love Fall. Summer is like going to OZ for the weekend but Fall is the everydayness of the things we love...Except when it starts to change. The calendar tells me we have many, more fall days until winter but the minute the rain starts falling and the leaves tremble as they fall to the ground, I lose a little of my Fall Love.

Not unlike when a certain song comes on in the car while we are just busy living our lives. We are instantly transported to a certain day and time. We can remember where we were and who we were with. If someone calls me Nainie, I can tell you that it is someone who knew me while I was still in my teens, mostly family. I hadn't hear that in a long time, it was nice and familiar.

The bad triggers may get more or our attention. Just like the good ones, they take us back to a time in our lives that we may have even forgot about, momentarily. The triggers that affect me the most are the ones that were in the first half of my life. The second half or life, not so much. Obviously, as children, we are more aware and those triggers make us feel like a kid again, either good or bad.

My favorite triggers are music. For as long as I shall live, I will never understand how we have song lyrics in our head that refuse to leave. It tells me we all have a larger capacity brain than we are using. Steve Jobs might have tapped into that with the iPod. Althought my love for All Things iPad is widely known, it all started with having my favorite songs not entire albums. I carry a iPod Shuffle and a Nano with me. While I drool over an iPhone, this keeps me happy and a happy girl is, well, the best anyone can wish for...