mama said there'd be days like this...
When you are doing a daily POTD or you blog 5 days a week, you can not expect to hit a homerun everyday. While there may be a personal expectation of Something Not Awful, to expect less than perfection on a fairly regular basis is down right sound theology. Jesus said When, not If - what is my problem in doing the same?
My sinus-driven headache got me out of bed pretty early this morning and all I could think about was prayer. Not for me but for a bunch of you guys for a bunch of reasons. It didn't make my headache go away but it did give me a sense of When, not If. For each of us, being lifted up to the All Mightly One may do nothing visible in our lives but it is in the invisible, that we may receive. It may be in the invisible that we grow and thrive and accept love. It is not always about what we can see or touch or feel or read.
It would be tough to have an invisible blog or take an invisible photo but behind the words or the camera is a sense of well-being. Learning to accept days like this. Even when we think there is nothing to say - just being here today is a miracle and a gift not to be taken lightly. Maybe not as witty or profound as one would like, the timing couldn't be more perfect. Who knew that the invisible could be made visible in my heart and mind?