My engine light and I have been going round and round for a few weeks now. It is not our first time, butting heads. It let me know very soon after we got together that it did not do Albertson's gas and would light up every time I fueled up. To make sure I was understanding correctly, we did the Alberston's Dance 4 times - I am now, convinced.
The last couple weeks, it started again and this time I was pretty sure, it wasn't fuel-related. After several fill ups, the light was still staying on so I bit the bullet and took it in to get plugged into the Big Car Machine and the diagnosis was, it was still a fuel issue. The Car Man reset the engine light and we have been doing fine since then. The thing is the next time the light cries wolf, I will assume that it is none issue and ignore it and perhaps, it may be the Real Thing.
I tend to cry wolf more than I should in my everyday life. It is the first moment of panic that sets me off running and screaming, The Sky Is Falling - The Sky Is Falling. My internal engine light will come on and stay on, until I get a grip on reality again. It is Something that I will probably always fight. The good news is that help is never far.
If I fell in love with You
Would you promise to be true?
And help me, understand.
Because I've been in love before
and I found that Love was more,
than just holding hands...
I heard this old familiar song a few weeks ago and it has turned into my daily prayer. You just never know where help is going to come from and that crying wolf isn't the end but could be, just the beginning of real understanding...