
I take lots of pictures of feet. Although I take them all year, I must admit I love summer feet the most. There is just something about bare toes interacting with nature whether in grass or sidewalk or even sitting in a garage during a yard sale.

I'm not sure that we appreciate feet enough. Everyday and multiple times of each of these days, we expect our feet to take us wherever we decide to go. Sometimes planned and sometimes, on the spur of the Moment - we decide and just expect our feet to be on call 24/7.

I realize that you may not like the look of your feet but I have come to love mine. Some days I even consider them - cute. Have always been a flip flop girl and this year I discovered the Crocs brand flip flop and am in little piggy girl footwear heaven. In fact, I need to grab a few more pairs - they have a bit more support than your runofthemill flip flop. They are to die for.

So I have a healthy respect for feet. A photo with feet can be very telling about a person. I love that you don't always need a face to tell a Story. Cute little toes - some with nail polish, some with blades of grass, some with the cutest of shoes, some with dirt, smeared all thru the toes. Standing in a wading pool or in a field of corn. On a playground or in the cereal aisle at Albertson ( this is my next one on my list).

The next best thing after taking us on our neverending journeys is the ability to dance. This would not be possible without these wonderful little creatures. Give it up for feet!