Precious (presh'es)
1. of high price or great value.
2. highly esteemed for nonmaterial quality.
3. dear, beloved.
I would dare say and admit that I have used this word incorrectly on more than one occasion. I would also say that I have used it in a reckless manner. I don't think it is a huge Big deal but like most things if I am not paying attention, it doesn't tend to make its own correction.
All I am going to do is watch how I use the word so when I do use it, it means Something. Might even expand my use of other words that I may be using in a reckless manner. There is enough of my life that is lived recklessly, my words - I do have control over.
Something like boundaries. The bounderies we have with each other. Where you stop and I start. I have lived with bad boundaries for many years of my life. Whether words or people, using the wrong skills equals wrong results. To love is not wrong, to love too Just as is the use of the wrong words used at the wrong times. Not only will your point not make sense but could have disasterous results.
After all that, I can say with complete certainly that Miss D is totally and completely precious...especially in His Sight.