the Real you...
This is what women from all seasons of life - fight everyday. I think most of us don't even realize it but the burden to look a certain way is what we should be striving for and if we just buy Products X,Y and Z - we can attain it.
Deep down, we all want to look nice. We spend billions of dollars every year in all possible markets to prove that. Women have always been and will always be - about how we look. It is in our DNA and it is part of being a girl and with a healthy sense about it, we can have the best of both worlds. It's only when we step over the line of being unreal, that we get in trouble.
When we want to achieve what is unreal, we start to get in trouble. I love this video because it shows the Big Picture. When we start to value the inside more than the outside, now we have got Something. Have you ever been around someone who just makes your day? Most likely, it is because of Something you can't see. An inner beauty that comes from a place that Max Factor couldn't go even if he wanted to.
Go ahead and look your best but spend your time shining elsewhere. In the long run, it will make you a much happier camper and thanks Dove, for helping us to keep it real - we need all the help we can get.