
Randy Pausch is a 47 year old college professor, writer, husband and dad.

He also has terminal pancreatic cancer. You might have seen his Last Lecture speech on YouTube or read his book about going for your childhood dreams. He has taken his disease on this Road Trip, trying to leave a legacy for his three small children who are going to lose their dad very soon.

He is a matter of fact kind of guy. Not terribly charismatic - but with terminal cancer, lets face it, the cancer is pretty much the Star.

The one thing that really struck me about his speech was his three-stage description of an apology. I never thought of an apology has having more than one step. It is tough enough these days for most people to even utter the words, I'm sorry. Some people never learn the fine skill of the apology. It is a shame, there is the potential for so much healing if it was used more.

Professor Pausch's, The Apology.

1. I'm sorry.
2. It was my fault.
3. What can I do to make it right?

Lots of us do the first and stop right there. Sometimes, even if we say we are sorry, it doesn't quite ring sincere. Those forced TELLYOURBROTHERYOUARESORRYRIGHTNOW! times don't inspire much enthusiasm on either side.

It is a Big Thing disguised as a little thing. It might change a relationship - a marriage or a friendship. It may, make a new friend. We don't all have the luxury of knowing our days are numbered. I don't mean to sound crass but there are lots of people who wished they could have said goodbye to someone they loved. Randy Pausch is being able to leave a legacy for his kids, on his terms and we...have been forunate enough to share with them, Thank you Pausch family...