To complain,(Wiktionary)
To express feelings of pain, dissatisfaction, or resentment
To make a formal accusation or bring a formal charge or
Spent Saturday afternoon with Miss M at the Kiddie Cove at Wahooz's while Keaton partied at Tristen's birthday party. The Kiddie Cove is for the 48 inch and shorter crowd. There is also a $2.99 price tag to play but you can get in from free - security is somewhat lacking. As Miss M ran up and began to play, I noticed that she was the only one with a paid armband on. I thought to myself, it doesn't matter, no matter what everyone else does, at the end of the day I go home with myself and that is who I have to live with. There were a few boys who haven't been 48 inches tall since 1977. There were scaring the little kids and since they seemed to be brain challenged, I pointed that out to them and suggested they get out of OZ and mosy along. One did, one didn't but knew I was watching him and he didn't stay long.
The day before, DH and I saw a older woman on the Begging Corner with a sign that explained she was a single grandmother, raising 2 gkids. She was receiving a donation as we drove by, you couldn't help but feel sorry for her. I thought about giving her something myself. When DH came back to pick me up, he saw that she decided to move on...and got into a Lexus. We watched her drive to a stop and rob a block away and go into the store. I so badly wanted to go in and find out what her Story was but I let it go.
A day earlier, I sent a email to the mayor of our city expressing my my dismay at a huge sewer fee increase and a larger property tax increase. I must have been nicer than I thought because he not only replied but was complimentary on my tone. He explained that EPA is breathing down the throats of our dear town and compliance is not a suggestion. He didn't say much about the 3% tax increase - hopefully the City Council will see that the city can't afford to spread the paying population, too thin.
So this week, I was all those complaint adjectives and more. I don't like myself when I am this place because gratitude is nowhere around. I forget what I know and go in to some deep, dark place that encourages me to rage against the perceived badness being perpetrated against me. We all complain. Some of us live in a constant state of complaint - that will ruin your life. Pretty soon, nothing will be your fault - it will always be Everyone or Someone elses fault.
Hoping for a better week and a clearer vision of what is important and what is not. Doing the right thing when it seems that most are not and getting my head back in the game, where it belongs...