What Aretha Franklin sang about years ago and Prez Obama talked about in Cairo today - respect. It used to be in great abundance, not so much anymore.
Yesterday Gage got the Citizenship Award of the Year. We were over the top proud, more so at the citizenship part. Both boys now will have their names engraved permanently at school - quite a big deal for us. That award is given because of the way they deal with their classmates, respond to their teacher. The basics of respect have been taught well and I am also proud of my kids for making that happen.
Before the assembly started yesterday, we were all asked to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. There was a slight pause and then you could here in the most authoritative of voices, Hats Off. Sitting to the right of me, a younger man with a Marine-type haircut reminded those in the audience of the proper respect in no uncertain terms. He was tough but adamant. I imagine that he has provided for our country in the most difficult of situations. The guy about the same age as the Marine, sitting three rows ahead of me, didn't move immediately when he heard the order but finally took his hat off. It could have been an issue but I loved the exchange. Respect doesn't come naturally, and Real Life can be a great teacher.
Then on my way home, a funeral procession. I can not tell you how many people can not be inconvenienced to pull over for a few minutes as a hearse and grieving people, file by. It has been a practice of mine to take these random moments to pray for the families as the cars drive by and thank God for this very moment in my own life. I have been in that hearse many times. I know what it feels like and to have people stop - give up their time in respect to us, restores your faith in your fellow man for a few.
If you buy into the theory that respect doesn't come naturally, it is all of our jobs to train those given to us about this basic of emotions. You hear the sirens of an ambulance coming, you get over now. It could be your family it is trying to get to to save. Pray for them, and those who will respond to help. It will make you a better person and all of us could use a little more of that...