
I love the way two photos presented side by side in a diptych can tell the story of a moment, Shutter Sisters.

They were playing the little hand-held IQ game that was leaving with them on the trip this morning. Gage wanted to play too but was playing none too quietly while waiting for his turn.

I love the idea of two photos telling a Story. One photo tells a complete Story but two pictures gives you a bit more detail. Do you want a little or a lot of mystery? There is more drama with one but if you want to tell a bit more of what is going on, every once in a while, you might might to go with the two.

If there is such a thing, this week will be a diptych one for me. While I am so happy that the kids get to go on vacation, I will miss them so. The Oregon Coast is not that far away and before popa had to work work four days next week, he offered to drive me up there to see Oregon and the coast. No desire to see the coast but would love to see my kids there.

It will be an interesting week. Not sure what I will do. Thinking this would be a great time to start the 100 Stranger thing - got plenty of time to do it. Will definitely be putting together a diptych for this time - I already know what it looks like. The first one is the three kids outside throwing kisses to me and the second one is me, grabbing up all those kisses and putting them where I can always grab one up. I hope all of us have a week to remember and in a bit, share together...