He's got issues. He would tell you so. Oh boy, does he have issues but we all do.The thing about him is that he leads a pretty healthly, emotional life. In that I mean he is good at balancing the 2 things that one of my favorite writers, Scott Peck says is why people see a mental health professional.
Most people who come to see a psychiatrist are suffering from what is called either a neurosis or a character disorder. Put quite simply, these two conditions are disorders of responsibility...when the neurotics are in conflict with the world, they automatically assume they are at fault. When those with character disorders are in concflict with the world, they automatically assume, the world is at fault.
Scott Peck's. The Road Less Traveled, is a stunning look in to the human thinking process. When I saw a copy for 50 cents at a yard sale Friday, I had to grab it up. Someone I know will need a copy someday and I will pass it off. There are already several copies in the zd memorial library for the family to read later.
We are all neurotic and we all have character disorders. We all probably lean in one direction, more predominantly. Having issues just makes you human, ignoring or denying them another thing. The truth is, life is not fair and it is hard. It is not always your fault and it is not always everyone's else fault. Sometimes, it is your fault. Sometimes, it is not. Own up when it is and don't, when it isn't.
We all know/related people who live exclusively in either of these camps and they are tough to be around. If you question yourself ofter, you won't find yourself in this spot. It is not that painful and you might learn something. Don't be afraid of being human, be afraid of wanting to be superhuman. Anyone need a good read, let me know...