Seth talks about Spotto, a game that involves finding yellow cars on the road and shouting the appropriate term as you see them.
What you discover after just a few minutes is just how many yellow cars there are. A lot.
We notice what we choose to notice.
How true is that? Buy anew car and that will be all that you will notice going down the road. Get a different haircut, and everyone will suddenly, look just like you. I consider myself to one who notices stuff but then someone will build a building and I won't notice until almost Opening Day (yes, it happened this weekend!)
As I went into this weekend, I decided that this would be a great time to start the 100 stranger project. When we pulled into the parking lot and saw this little fellow and his sister/brother sitting in saddlebags waiting for dad to come back, I knew I had my guy. I stayed in the car while DH did his business and waited...and waited...and waited. He never came out and it was time to go. Still don't have my first stranger but there is a bit of weekend left so I am hopeful.
We notice what we choose to notice... That statement scares me. I am not sure I can be trusted with choosing the right thing and I want to choose the right thing every time. I want to notice what I need to see and not miss a thing. I want to know what to ignore and where I am spending too much time and where I am spending, not enough. I am not a cause person, never have been but I understand the momentary urge of seeing all the blue/grey vans that were out there when I bought mine. I see that in myself and I don't want to stay in those shallow waters. did it take some effort to see a couple of dogs on a motorcycle in saddlebags? No, that was pretty easy but I want to put myself on high alert and be purposeful in what is around me. I have felt the few times where I knew I blew it. I was short in my attitude or distracted by what I needed and afterwards, I knew I hadn't done what I was suppose too. Maybe it is about living and learning, about making better choices with each step and choosing to notice more wisely...