mutual heartbeat...

I find myself in a mutual heartbeat with her photos...

This was part of a post I made yesterday in tribute to Miss Vivian. Later on, the comment came back to remind me that mutual heartbeats are not exclusively good and positive. A true heartbeat - beats in each of our bodies, people I would like to include and those I wish, I could forget.

Gage has an obsession with WW2, the German culture and Adolf Hitler. We have had many, many Q&A and I have tried to be as honest as I can. Having a mother who was a German, brought to the US in the middle of the war while her new husband went back to war and was not loved by many, including her in-laws - I am a wealth of information to him. Some things I have kept to myself, things he would never understand now but later, I will tell me what I know.

I can remember my father and grandmother arguing for hours about Hitler. This conversations happened about 10 years after the end of the war and always shared the same ending. My grandmother's voice always claimed that when he first came to power, he was for the people, the common man. Food, shelter - many things which she claimed, changed her and others lives. She would point to the VW and she had a long laundry list of all the good he did. My father, saw a different side. Looking back at what we know now, I would imagine that Oma's view would be no different.

When you think heartbeat, you have to take it all. Well, I would never do that... Maybe you would, maybe you wouldn't. I think we are all more capable of doing things than we think we can. You have to take the good and the bad and face it, straight up.

My post probably should have read that I shared an emotional heartbeat. Sometimes, it is hard to believe that we are all the same in God's eyes. He doesn't pick and choose like we do, He is unconditional. Maybe that is why when asked, Who are your hero's - I go blank. We are each, good and bad, shadow and light and share a mutual heartbeat. Take it to heart and not only will your view of others change, the view of yourself will be altered forever...