weather or not...

The weather around here has been a bit confusing the last few days. Yesterday, we were outside with no shoes or coats and spent an hour, just taking it all in. Today was not as nice but a little goes a long way in January. We understand it was a one time thing, and don't expect it again for a few months. That one is easy, it gets more difficult when you step outside of weather and head into Real Life.

Real Life, obviously has more layers than the weather. Weather, straight-forward, Real Life, not so much and when straight-forward fades away, expectations start to come to the surface and many times, it is not pretty. We can lose perspective pretty quickly and the What If's take on a life of their own.

My digi sisters and I have been on a Journey with Vivian Maier and it is absolutely stunning the direction, it has gone. The shift is really away from ourselves and now, directed toward others. Miss A, did a powerful post describing her personal involvement with someone whose photo, she took. If this continues to spread, there is a potential movement that I could see, might change lives. Not sure what it looks like but is seems possible and that is Something I am so looking forward too.

Not sure what the history of the fair-weather friend discription but you would think it wouldn't be such a big deal since we have such small expectations about weather anyhow...or do we? Not sure how we ever get anything right...