never, ever give up...

I needed to see this sign today.

None of us have super powers. It is human to need to be reminded, that until it is over, there is hope. In the face of everything we see, feel, touch and know - those superpowers are self imposed, not given.

Our lives revolve in circles. The Stories that come our way, the people that we touch -all come into our world and become a part of our Story. There are several circles insdie my life right now, that need to heed the sign's advice. It is not about noting ever bad happening to us of those we love. It is about lving through those difficult times. It is about learning not to avoid the pitfalls of the Journey but how to go through them. It is about being brave and not cowardly, running away when it gets tough. It is about being there, no matter what.

Thanks Sign, not only for the words but the reminder that I am human...