No, maybe, yes...

Fun Run. Isn't that an oxymoron? Would I ever run in a with a group of people who are in different genres of running, or not running at all, for no less, a season?

No, never, minus a gazillion. Whatever the lowest response is, that is where I come in on that question...but all of life is not lived in the Never. I know, finally I get it.

No, maybe, yes...

While I mostly run hot and cold, black and white, and even, yes and no - there is a Place for, No, Maybe, Yes.

It is usually not a single event for me. There are few times I have said no to something and then in my mind thought, maybe and even fewer times, yes. However, it has happened.

Rarely do I second guess my gut feeling which is always my first response. 80% of the time, I am good with whatever that choice was. It was made in the Moment and is always the way I would choose even 300 days Down The Road. Not always the right one but the one I can live with. The times I have gone into NMY mood immediately was for the wrong reason even if it made someone else happy. The times I changed my vote, after some deliberation, from No to Maybe to Yes, were choices that started with a no but were worth a shot at a do-over. Rarely have they been the wrong choice, even if it wasn't what I wanted to do. if it didn't hurt anyone, and might help someone, it was worth it.

Is this a good way to live? Don't know, it is the only way I know. Is it getter than living in a NMY constant state? I think so. Not every choice need that kind of scrutiny. Some need more, some less. Most of our problems come when we get those two camps mixed up. All hell breaks lose, for everyone.

I had to make a NMY choice today. I did not get the frozen yogurt at Costco. The choice was make over a bit of time. starting before I left for Costco and decided 2 hours later when I walked out with a Diet Coke instead. Baby Steps...