what's going on...

I had two big meetings at the VA today concerning DH's father. The first one was went pretty much as I expected. He is going downhill mentally pretty fast and becoming increasingly more inapproperiate. His file was filled with numerous purple slips. Purple slips represent bad behavior and by the looks of his stack, he has been working overtime. They told me what medicines they have him on and are hopefully, they will see a more modest temperment in him soon. When I left the room, I was handed a bill for $600 by the social worker and told that my FIL was responsible for the loss of his roommate's lower dentures. I had received a phone call several weeks ago, told of the situation and that they would be checking into it - and today, just handed the bill.
I had a secondary financial meeting and after that, decided to contact the head of the Social Services to get a little more information. From the info I had received -WHY it was FIL'S fault was a little fuzzy. I asked her if anyone had seen him with the dentures in his hands. It's easy to say "we think he did it" but in this country, you are innocent until proven guilty. My second question is if he was seen handling the dentures, why didn't they take them away from him? The cost of his care includes taking care of him, physically and mentally. I sensed in her voice a feeling of being less than sure of their position. We are waiting for the adminstrator to make the final call but my defense stays the same, prove that he did it.
When I got home, there was Breaking News that our Homeland Secretary Michael Chertoff expressed that a extreme terror threat to the US this summer was iminent. They went on to say that he had no intelligence to back it up but was going with a gut feeling. Ahhh ...WHAT! Perhaps he helped with my FIL's investigation, the same logic seems to be used more frequently in our current culture than one might have thought.
A little common sense goes a long away and I sure could have used some today. After a long day, sometimes you think it is you and Sometimes it is but today, not so much me. Even yesterday when Keaton wanted his picture taken with the Simpsons, makes more sense that most of today did. As Miss Scarlett would say, Tomorrow is another day... and I for one, can hardly wait!