seeing is believing...

So, some friends of ours woke up to frost on the ground and toilet paper everywhere else. This is not the first time but will stop when their 15 year daughter goes to college. In the meantime, the task of cleaning wet TP out of 50 ft trees will fall to them.
Not everything is as easy as this. Seeing is believing is not always as black and white . Take for example the announcement yesterday of the 1980 discovery of Jesus and 9 of his relatives, including a wife and son, in 10 caskets. James Cameron, the director of Titanitic, said he thought long and hard before going public. Knowing what the backlash would be, in the end he decided to come forward. There were sound bites on the news all through the day and probably will be for days to come.
When Brandi was in 1st grade, she shared what should have been a glorious time of learning with Darren The Troublemaker. This kid had future prison guy written all over him and while he made Steve and I laugh - what he did to her was tragic. He started telling her that her mom and dad were sneaking out after she was asleep and going to a bar to drink beer and smoke and he knew because he was there too. We thought it was funny until she started to believe him.
Ok, how do I know that you don't do that? For the longest time, she was inconsolable. She believed him over us. She didn't buy the argument that he was 6 and not allowed in a bar and even if he wasn't there, how did she know we weren't doing said bar behavior anyway? I feel the same about James Cameron find. Find what he wants. Find what anyone else wants. It has nothing to do with what I believe.
As Jay Leno said last night about Jesus having a wife and son, we can't even figure out who Anna Nicole's baby father is. This is not about burying my head in the sand and yelling to drown out anything I don't want to be true until it goes away. It is about a commitment I have made to the end. It is about burning my ships so I can't go back. I am in this for the long haul. Nothing in this life will convince me about the rest of my life. No going back until I meet Jesus, face to face. These kind of discoveries, attempting to prove by physical evidience, have been in each generation. There will always be those good folks who will cry out again the injustice and come to the rescue of Jesus. My perspective is He doesn't need my outcry for Him but to Him. Seeing is believing. James Cameron may live in a mansion on this side of heaven with the monies he has garnered from his findings and he may live in a Mansion with Jesus someday. Maybe it will be a win-win...