
I am finished with the wedding pics after backing up everything several times so I deleted them off my chip - 829 photos. That is way too many - way, way too many to keep. Probably got 100 - 150 that were good enough to keep. The weeding out process was tough - at times, I needed another set of eyes to say yea or no. Saturday, I took over 150 photos while scouring the country side at a winery, nursery and the lake ...I am running out of hard drive space.

I LOVE TLC's, Clean Sweep, even in re-runs. Peter Walsh is a Master at clutter and spent part of the afternoon reading his, It's All Too Much book. An Easy Plan For Living A Richer Life With Less Stuff. My personality is such that I have to pick up my house - can't stand most things out of place but have parts of me, that collect clutter in different ways. Here is one of his insights to the effects of clutter...

Clutter is insidious, a slow but steady tide. It enters your home little by little, usually over years. Clutter sucks life away. It leaves you depressed, overwhelmed, lacking motivation and unable to breathe. Clutter prevents you from enjoying the most precious, intimate moments in life. Clutter robs you of far more that the space it occupies - it steals your life...

While my home may not be cluttered, there are others areas where clutter is sucking the life out of me. Not unlike tripping over stacks of magazines or searching endlessly for the electric bill, the clutter that we carry around in our hearts and mind could bring the same symptoms as a untidy home. Suffocating in mental clutter could make one crazy, pretty quick. Being buried by the clutter of expectations could drive a girl to drink.

I am going to study his solutions and see if there is some way to apply it to the clutter of my life. I want to live a richer life with less stuff, whether physical or mental - or both. In the meantime, I am going to clean out my office and the hall closet - one can always let go of Something...