I do not think of myself as a competitive person. My nature is not so much to beat you at something as to beat you up - that I understand. Even the definition of competition makes me uneasy.
competition (kom/pi/tish/en)
1. rivalry for supremacy
2. a contest for prize, honor or advantage
3. a struggle among organisms.
Reminds me of some of the church activities I have sadly been a part of, especially that game at Sunday School Christmas Parties where you bring an unopened gift and you take turns taking it away from each other - I have seen it turn ugly, often fighting over a $2.99 ceramic figurine
I realize after having grandboys that most everything can be defined or settled by a little competition. Those boys wrestle over just about everything. One says something to the other and it is GAME ON. Is that a boy thing?
I say all that to say, I entered a contest yesterday. As of about three minutes ago, there were 1828 other people who entered. That is a lot of competition and I am not expecting to win because I already have. I absolutely LOVED my offering. Whether I win the $400 Home Depot card for DH or not, my submission has made me laugh all day. After I read the Pioneer Woman's requirements, I knew what it should be. I don't envy her having to read 1829 comments and pick a winner. How could you possible do that? Maybe it is not fair to say I don't compete. I don't compete against you - I compete with myself. The rivalry is between my ears, in the deep grey matter that fills up in my head. Once I am happy, the rest just doesn't matter to me.
I have won a few times - an essay contest for the local paper that made me $250 dollars richer. It was one of those things that made me happy before I was even sure I would send it in. I won a homemade Valentine card contest too. They came out to the house and took my picture surrounded by my cards but that wasn't as important as making the cards for the people I love.
Now, we have the bovine photo contest. One of us will be the winner by tomorrow afternoon. No matter how it goes, I am a happy girl, If you can make yourself laugh, in a good way, you have got the world by the tail...