daily something...

Ran across Ali Edwards' blog yesterday and she inspired me. She was talking about those dry times times where creativity has flown the coop and is nowhere to be found. She talks about doing something creative everyday...

Every single day of our lives presents us with a story to tell...

So I head to the grocery store, do my thing and head out to my car. This 65 ish year old guy has flowers in one hand and a sack of groceries in the other. I realize this is my daily something and am fighting with my purse to get my camera out. As I wrestle with the tiny camera bag, this guy is marching toward his car. I finally get the camera turned on, but he has shifted his purchases to one hand while his other hand searches his pocket for his keys. I aim the camera in his general direction and hit the button, not having a clue as to what I actually got. Daily something - looks like it could grow on me.

His license plates said, Mama C. Wonder if Mama C was in for a treat? The chemo had taken its toll and her energy was zapped. He had been so good about everything. For a man who worked all his life at manly endeavors, he certainly has taken to housework. His cooking isn't bad either. When I thank him for all his help, he just shrugs his shoulders. You would sure do the same for me, he says, No big deal. I never would have imagined it would be like this. It is easier to be the caretaker than to be the one being taken care of but I just feel so weak. The garage door slams shut and I hear him walking toward my bedroom. Need a few things, he said as he grabbed his keys and headed for the car. He walks in with this paper-wrapped bundle of red roses - they are my favorite, He remembers. I burst out in tears and he just holds me...

That is what I think his story is and because I will never know for sure - that is how it will be, at least in my head...