the world belongs to the young...

Drew Carey is the new face of The Price Is Right, replacing Bob Barker while Franklin Graham has taken his father's place on the world's spiritual stage. Jay Leno is slated to give my beloved Tonight Show to Conan O' Brian while it is looking like Jimmy Fallon will be the new Conan. It has been rumored that Ryan Seacrest may take over Larry King's spot and Joe Scarborough has replaced Don Imus.

Speaking of the young, they don't get their news from the Big Three at 5PM every night. Brian Williams, Kate Couric and Charlie Gibson best have a back up plan. The world of the young is defined by text messaging, YouTube and instant everything. I think the local newspaper, as we know it today, is already a dinosaur - DH still wants to read it but if it was up to me, I would not subscribe another day. When I got up this morning and wanted to know the latest on the trapped miners in Utah, I checked with MSNBC.

It is the natural order of things - I think it is true that the world belongs to the young. Ready or not guys - here it comes! Young - please remember to have some manners. It is a sign of polite society and that is not such a bad thing. Remember that everything you need to know you learned in kindergarten, even though you had 2nd grade skills before you hit the classroom because everything is moving faster and faster.

I don't know all the new guys at Saturday Night Live and if it wasn't for ITunes, I would be music-challenged but there is apart of me that understands you and hopes to hang on for a while. I always hear people say they belong to the 60's or the pioneer days or are Renaissance biased. I was made for the tech world. I can't get enough. The digital world is in my blood. A boomer in a young world, nothing could be better. Now if I could only get Jay Leno to change his mind about Conan...