for the love of Josh...

A few of us spent the evening with Josh Grobin last night - he remembered us. Well, maybe not the four of us in particular but we were his first. Again, not us in particular but his first concert ever was held a few miles down the road. We were his first concert stop on his first concert tour. This time, they moved him to a bigger venue and with a lot of miles of experience behind him, he had not changed a bit.
The music is hard to describe. If you know him, there is no explanation necessary and if you don't, it would be difficult to describe. Suffice it to say, that for a few hours, we were immersed in some of the most gorgeous, moving music you will ever hear. At times, I could feel goosebumps running up my arm. It is music to live life by. It is music to celebrate being alive Today.
Thanks Josh for coming - and for the promise of coming back. You never forget your first, no matter who you are. Thanks for the reminder of celebration. Of music, friends and life. You rock, baby...