bulls eye...

The human spirit is driven by the bulls eye. Even those who live in countries who have no idea about what a dart board looks like or what a bulls eye is, live it each and every day.

We each are driven to aim and hit the bulls eye, no matter who we are, where we live, what car we drive, what religion we belong to. The bulls eye has no competition in keeping up with the Joneses. Only those aiming for the same bulls eye are seen as any kind of competition and they come and go. Our bulls eye's also come and go. They can change daily, sometimes hourly and at their very worst, in an instant. Bulls eye's change with Seasons of life and circumstances we see and don't see coming.

For some of us, getting use to first grade is Bulls eye#1. It has been a hard road and needing good something to aim for. There is now a 9 day break in first grade so hoping all the work will not be undone in Day 10, hoping that dart stays in place, firmly implanted in that center circle. The best case scenario is that there will be a new bulls eye in 10 days...because make no mistake, there is always a bulls eye in our lives. It is what keeps us going and the direction or course that we choose to hit our target determines what life will look like. Whether a drug dealer or student...there is always a bulls eye, always a plan, a vision, a desire.

Pick your bulls eye purposefully, everything else will depend on it...