Wheat from Pathos Media on Vimeo.
September 20th, 2009 by kksmlizzie
Sunday September 20th, 2009
Praise God everyone, Elijah has taken a turn for the better today…………He is conscious as they have lowered his sedation somewhat to begin to bring him around so he will be aware of his surroundings. He recognized Joy and smiled at her when she talked to him, he was aware of his visitors and made motions to them that he was understanding them. They have reduced the amount of work the respirator is doing to have him begin to breathe on his own with secondary assistance from the respirator.
Joy was very excited today as we talked, Elijah had some friends stop by to visit him including KKSM friends Stephen Baldwin and Jeff Loope from the east side of the U.S.
Also family and friends from Winchester have been with him today.
They have moved Eli into a private room in the ICU unit and one of our friends knows the President of the hospital and he is taking a personal interest in Elijah and his care firsthand.
The medical team has made the decision to have Elijah on dialysis 24 hours a day hoping this will help him restart the kidneys and get them functioning again.
This is good news as he was not making much progress yesterday and now with the reports coming in it is obvious that all the prayers going up for Elijah have been effective.
Keep praying for Joy and Elijah and the progress made today.
God bless
This is the latest update on Elijah. It has been a hard week and this is the first hopeful news we have received. Wheat, this short was posted by Papa D on FB. He explained that they had made it for an upcoming web site before Elijah had to live what he has been preaching. E is in a place where each of us could be, and at sometime, will be. A place we never saw coming, that we were completely unprepared for and all that we can do is be still and know that He is God.
This could be me...
This could be you...
No rhyme or reason, no heads up, no warning...
We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities.
Not if but when.
Go be witnesses.
Elijah is now being a witness in a way he never imagined. The skate team is is being tested and the Word is alive and well. Hoping Elijah will be able to tell us himself soon. Praying E. Word...