fire drill...
I say that with a great deal of confidence because when I got home a few hours later and checked Twitter, there was no school issue going on. While I was stopped at the light, I saw swarms of kids walking along side the building and getting into rows. I grabbed my camera and as I cruised by, snapped these guys hanging out at 1030 in the morning. I could see that these junior high kids were standing in pretty neat rows, actually, it was quite impressive. They had learned well - don't know if they knew it was a drill or the Real Thing but it looked to me, they got it right.
I haven't been a part of a fire drill since high school. One would think that there would be places in Real Life for preventive drills. There is preventive measures for everything from pregnancy to brushing your teeth but for everything else, you are pretty much on your own and we all know how being on our own usually works out.
Real Life means no more automatic fire drills. You are now not only responsible for your behavior and choices but also, fire drills and not just the kind that may save your life if you forget to blow out a candle. With Real Life, doing some drills so you know what to do when you may be called to do it...and you are ready. Maybe not just for you but maybe, to save someone else.
If you haven't thought about an escape route at your home in case of a fire, do it now. Then move out and do a drill in another part of your life. Imagine what you might do and practice it. Maybe take a CPR class, learn the Heimlich Maneuver carry aspirin in your purse ( might save someone having a heart attack) or maybe, just practice keeping your cool in the case of an emergency and doing what needs to be done.
The only place that you can't drill on is God's grace. When you need it, it will be there. Not before. Would love to stockpile prayers but it doesn't work that way. What you can drill on is knowing where to go, when it is time. When not if, there will be a Time when you will need to hit the floor with prayer - all you need to know is where to go. Drill that and you will have it made in the shade...